New Roof Installation Beaver Dam WI

Roof Replacement and Front Porch Roof Installation in Beaver Dam WI

This wasn't just a normal roof replacement as there was also a bit of new construction added in as well.  In addition to replacing their roof we also built a new covered area over their front entry way and tied it into the existing roof line as if it was always supposed to be there.

Location:  Beaver Dam, WI
Project Type: Roof Replacement and Roof Addition
Materials: Owen's Corning Duration Shingles in Quarry Gray color.

Do You Need Your Beaver Dam WI Roof Need To Be Replaced?

Brad's Construction specializes in roof replacements throughout the Beaver Dam area.  If you'd like to schedule an estimate to have your roof replaced please give us a call at (920) 517-5671 or fill out our online estimate request form and we'll get right back to you.

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